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Ceiling Fans – An HVAC System’s Best Friend

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Most homes see spikes in their energy bills when the weather gets too hot and too cold. Many homeowners look for ways to level out their bills, and one way that some might overlook is ceiling fans.

Ceiling fans are a great addition to your home’s HVAC system. They consume less power and help offset your system’s heating and cooling load. They are also useful for managing your home’s comfort throughout the year.

Let’s look at ceiling fans and how they impact your HVAC system.

How Ceiling Fans Help Your Home’s HVAC System

Ceilings fans work by spinning angled blades at various speeds and in two different directions, depending on the season. As the blades rotate, the air is pushed downward toward the floor, keeping it circulating throughout the house rather than leaking through your ceiling and windows.

If your HVAC system is running, warm or cool air is kept in your rooms, which helps maintain the temperature. Your HVAC system does not have to run as long or as often if the temperature stays steady.

Which Direction Should Your Fan Spin in the Summer?

Ceiling fans spin in two directions — clockwise and counterclockwise. In the summer, your ceiling fan should spin counterclockwise. This helps create a downdraft and a direct, cooling breeze. The cool air circulates throughout the room or space, helping to keep the room cooler and less stagnant.

Which Direction Should Your Fan Spin in the Winter?

In the winter, your ceiling fan should spin clockwise. This creates an updraft and circulates warm air around the room, improving the average room temperature and keeping your furnace from working overtime.

Improving Air Quality with Ceiling Fans

Ceiling fans can improve air quality in your home in several ways. First, they increase airflow and circulate fresh air into the home. By keeping humidity lower, they can also help reduce mold and mildew growth. Clean ceiling fans can also help reduce allergy symptoms. Make sure you clean the top of the blades by regularly dusting them.

Additional Benefits of Ceiling Fans

Ceiling fans have many other benefits in addition to those mentioned. They can improve the aesthetics of your home by melding with your décor and style. They improve your home’s energy efficiency by reducing your HVAC system’s workload. They help save money as they do not require as much power as your AC or furnace to run while keeping your home comfortable.

If your home does not have ceiling fans, we highly recommend you install them in your most-used rooms. They are a great addition to any home and will save you money. Your home will be much more comfortable during hot and cold months. Consider adding ceiling fans to your home today.

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